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By August 6, 2019November 12th, 2019Tourism

Labor is concerned by reports yesterday of a risk of oversupply of hotel rooms in Adelaide.

These concerns raised by tourism and accommodation industry groups highlight the potential impact this could have for the local market.

The task of selling Adelaide both at home and abroad has become harder under the Marshall Liberal State Government after they cut the tourism budget by $12 million over four years and reduced tourism marketing to a five-year low.

Labor urges the Marshall Liberal State Government to listen to industry groups and restore this funding in the anticipated 2030 Tourism Plan.

Quotes attributable to Senator the Hon Don Farrell: 

“Tourism is a very important job creator in Australia.

Across the nation, tourism employment has grown by more than 10 per cent over the past five years.

While development of new hotels can be a good thing, it is vital that enough is being done to generate demand.

Investment in our tourism industry is what’s needed, not cut-backs.”

Quotes attributable to Hon Zoe Bettison MP:

“The private accommodation sector has decided to invest in South Australian tourism, and the Marshall Liberal Government has turned its back on them.

The State Government needs to reverse its cuts to tourism and increase our marketing to the world.

More tourism equals more jobs for South Australians.”